Monday, December 06, 2010

Sepetang bersama...

its started by pakcik nak jumpa ak..ak macam panik sbb apakah motif pakcik ni nak jumpe ak? ak ada curik buah sukun die ke? so the story goes when i wanted to get engage to his son. he was being nice by saying that this whole thing is a big responsibility and a turn of a new leaf for my life. let me share with you on what ive pick up from the conversations that we have:

1. being someone fiancee will change the way you live, whether you like it or not
2. the most important thing in a relationship is : TOLERENCE (aint that obvious)
3. have to accept your partner as the way he/she is
4. green eyes is ok, but not to over do it
5. The most important thing is.....BE NICE to your partner. IT PAYS :)

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