Friday, March 11, 2011

Kahwin 1


Its official my wedding reception date will be on 17/12/2011 and plan to nikah on 16/12/2011. I've already buy the bunga paha and wedding gifts for tetamu. but barang2 belum di isi lagi. lately aku selalu je surt the net and looking for mak andam la ape la...ak tgk harga macam totally expensive lerr... aiyo sakit giler poket ak macam ni. barang hantaran belum dibeli lagi..heuehue!! sakit sakit...
btw i've finally jumpa my fave pelamin concept. harap2 dapat direalisasikan lah..hihih.. ak suka pelamin yg macam kat bawah ni. gamba pelamin ni ak dapat dari blog Ayureq. ak suka idea wedding die. concept simple but cute :)

pelamin idaman aku.. :p this is for sanding nanti, after nikah punya pelamin belum decide lagi

Aku dah proposed kat mak aku...and she gave me the green light! yahooo!!! probably next week nak gi jumpa wedding planner and negotiate harga. :)

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