Thursday, May 17, 2012


Kuali awesome!!! Pic taken from here

KENDURI, the most synonym word that comes next to kenduri is, REWANG. This word is new to me. I know this word when I date this guy that I married. It means gotong-royong basically. As penduduk kampong, it is mandatory for one to join this REWANG for social acceptance. I have never been to one, but there is one incident where my husband left me in a kelompok of Javanese speaking makcik2 and I have to mingle with them immediately. I froze for a few second, I don’t know what to do and panic attacks me…this is because I have no idea what are they talking about. Well one thing that I have learned working with people is, just smile and laugh when they laugh.

Ok back to the tajuk, things that you have to bring to REWANG through my observance of my mother in-law (she’s cool, go to the same school as me) is:

  1. Kitchen knife – this is used to potong bawang or whatever that you have been assigned to do that day. (p/s: sometimes the tuan rumah already made a duty schedule for ‘rewangist’. Do check the schedule to avoid duty repetition and to have a productive REWANG session :p) Oh, “rewangist” is the urban name for people who went to REWANG. Sounds cooler :p
  2. Sophisticated Jawa words or trendy common phase/greetings of your place of stay -  this is very important especially when you live in a Jawa speaking community to capture their attention thus accept you as one of them. For example: Kabare? Waras….basically it means How are you? I’m fine. Sorry la lau example terlalu common. That the only phase yang I’m confident with. :D
  3. Slippers/Selipar Jamban – if you go to rewang, it is advisable for you to wear the most hideous selipar jamban that you have to avoid of losing those slippers.
  4. Skills – this skills can be vary, it can be skill potong bawang, potong sayur, potong daging or people skills for that matters. Kindly sharpen them before heading to REWANG…it can be your savior from being the gossip topics of the makciks-makciks until they have a new victim to wailed upon :p

So that is all about REWANG. Do consider all this tips for the social acceptance of your community. Or you can ignore them and be the rebel in your kampong…..hahahahha!!!!

p/s: REWANG sekali baca macam nama hantu kat Filipina tuh…The ASWANG :P

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