Friday, January 21, 2011

Happy 7th year driving anniversary to me :D

21 January genap la 7 years I had my driving licence and I have been a typical Malaysian driver..ehee. I started driving since I was 18 around this date and my first car is an auto car. So, to make things short..i cant drive a manual car!! Hehe..right here in Malaysia, when you take a driving lisence it must be driving a manual car. I don’t know back then how do I know how to drive a manual car, but since the day I got the auto car my manual car storage in my brain seams to be deleted. It was like it have been ctrl-d from my brain system. But I have promise my fiancée to drive his car one day. And guess what his car is in manual..hehe… lagi lapan taun la jawab nye :)

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