Friday, January 21, 2011

Manly man

I was having a conversation with my fiancée the other day. He was talking and talking (he’s very talkative) and it’s my time to give my say about the topic he was rencanakan. So I give him my buah fikiran about the matter lah. Suddenly he barged in and say “Relax ok yang? Jgan marah2”.

Dalam hati ak berkata "Whaaa??? Apekah ini? I was just saying what im thinking about, my opinion on that matter. Kenapa potong macam ni?" Just imagine how I feel like that time. Then I said to him in bahasa Malaysia la “Lorrhhh, bila I cakap what I think u kata I marah? I tak marah pon? Bila masa i marah?”

Hermmm...itu lah cerita nye. Kenapa bila org perempuan when she said something or giving her piece of mind, people tend to label her Marah or just plain Membebel? Memang dalam Malay culture woman are not supposed to have her opinion ker? Kenapa bila lelaki yg cakap we call it pendapat or dalam bahasa Sanskrit inggeris nye Opinion?

Ak rase kan, dudes senang hati kalo awek die seorang bimbo. Susah ada awek ada mind of her own ni, nanti melawan kot? Haha!! I dunno la. Lepas tu blame malay girls mostly are not responsive to conversations and blank inside the noodle. Tapi see how you treat your gf lah. You are molding her to be unresponsive and nodded to all your opinions.

Im not trying to be a feminist bitch here, but I think, all this male specimens are still living in the tok kaduk time. Where woman stay at home and serve them while the man are out hunting the mammoth. Dudes smua mesti deny fact ni kan? Mesti dengan semena2 nya melabel diri seorang Urbanmale yg sgt super modern authentic male yg bole terima opinions or new ideas.

Ak rase my intelligence sgt di underrated bila benda tu jadi, as if he doesn’t want to hear what I have to say. The least he can do is, argue ngan ak tentang ape2 point yg die tak setuju, rather than just concluded that I am angry at him.

                                                  no specific argument to this piicie.. :D


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