Tuesday, June 22, 2010


             Emm..technically this is the first novel that i read thousands times without feeling bored. Before this book, usually i read all those chick it kinda novel, like Sweet Valley Twins (kecik2 baca yang ni la) then evolve to Sweet Valley High and more chick oriented novel that have a motto of "Have a boyfriend or you're a Loser". Basically, Matilda changes my course of reading....from chick lit to fantasy, horror and thriller novel.
               After reading Matilda, i started to read all Roald Dahl's novel, such as James and The Giant Peach, Charlie and The Chocolate Factory and Boy. From here my reading habit evolve to RL Stine's book. He write horror and thriller young adults novel.Than i started to read Harry Potter series started from Nareem giving me Harry Potter and The Philospher Stone as my bday present.
               As i grow older i started to pick up books from Sophie Kinsella (the only chick lit author that i like) Dan Brown my favourite, Stephen King and various rare and weird books that i can find. I dont like to read motivation and self help book. To me, living your live is through your expirience. Not others. So, my current obsession is collection Ahmed Deedat's book...im in a process to haunt his book..hehhe.~

the book that change me~if i stick to sweet valley i will probably be a pinky girlish irritating bitch ahaha~!!!!

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