Huargghh!!~ Just woke up from afternoon nap.
School holiday are goin to be over this Sunday. All those peaceful traffic and serenity of driving in this mudhole are goin to be ruined started this Monday. Whharrg!! why do i have to go through all this agony and pain (over reacted plak). Well enjoy the last remaining days of the school holidays kids. Your hellish looking teachers are goin to make the hell of your life this Monday wehehehee~~
I hate my school days. Because teachers always after me. i dont know why.When i was a kid, i dont talk much (until now) so there was a test back then if im not mistaken Amali or Ujian Lisan kot? something like that la..i oso forget oredi. bac to the topic, when the teacher asked me the questions..the situation more or less like this:
C: Yasmin, apakah pendapat kamu tentang artikel yang dibaca tadi?
Y: .........................(long pause)
C: Yasmin...awak dengar tak?
Y: Dengar (sabarla u impatient : dlm hati)... Aa...saya rasa..
C: Baiklah saya rasa nantilah saya tanya kamu lagi. Kamu macam tak bersedia.
Y: huh????? (Aku baru nak jawab dowh!)
Lohh...itu la situasi yang selalu berlaku kat aku. I think because teachers dah malas nak tunggu lama2 because my name is Yasmin and its usually last or 2nd or 3rd last in the class. My fellow last-ian name in the class also faced the same fate. Turn out that the freakin cikgu called my mom and tell her that im probably social retarted or possed a very serious brain damanged due to very bad roti canai that they been selling in my school back then.
My mak apelagi, marah aku la kenapa i didnt answer my teachers question. I tried to answer mak but she wont listen to me...tapi guess what mak ak tak percaya la..of course at that time parents have more respect to the teachers not like what happen now. Since the incident, my whole primary school years has always been the same cycle. I guess that woman warns other teachers bout me..hehe~
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