Thursday, June 10, 2010

Tuwentifaivee~~ fast the time goes by. Its already June and i am blissfully by the age of the christmas cake expiry date : 25. Well i got this saying from most of the girls out there that "25" is the timeline that separating you from being a spinster or a very young beutiful bride as you were holding your trophy husdband (asik trophy wife jer) walking down to the grand pelamin under the hot sun of 1Malaysia situated under the goddamn super hot white tent.

Not anymore la babes, because now "65" is the age that we will considered old. So, it is an additional 10 years from the previous "55". I hated when my mak said i am 25 and should be making babies. Well tell you what, i am still young and to make things concrete i have no money! wahahah!!~ Tolonglah wahai ibu2..kawin tu bukan bayar pakai air atau molekul2 cecair yang lain. Its Money!~ which most of us is still lacking. Adoi..nak carik duit laa..penat sangat..

p/s: nape ak slalu cte pasal kawin ni? gila kah?



Anonymous said...

asal kau asik citer pasal kawen?
sebab kau dah gatal nak tawen!

kau dah tak sabr sabar nak tunang yer nyah???


bulan ni dtg risik kan?

bgtau kitorang tau..kitorang nak join semak kat umah ko jugak..nak tolong angkat air....

IceMintTea said...
